Quick Tip: Remove “Archive” from WordPress pages
If you just can’t find how to remove “Archives” from your pages, this quick tip is for you.
This tip is also useful for the woocommerce plugin which uses archive pages, like Archive: Products
If you just can’t find how to remove “Archives” from your pages, this quick tip is for you.
This tip is also useful for the woocommerce plugin which uses archive pages, like Archive: Products
Whoever worked a lot with text files possibly had this problem before, you have text file filled with unwanted characters, some are “hidden” (another way of saying that there are characters that your system can’t represent as symbols on your screen) and some are just redundant and not needed.
Every time I add a new device (IOT, server or other) to my home network, I want to make sure that I can rely on it to do its job and keep being connected.
When a device has a critical part to play in my home or office, I want to be alerted when it fails or if it disconnects from the network/internet.