Facebook does not recognize OG:image meta
As discussed here before, OG:image tag can be a very useful tool to promote your site via social networks. I have found that the most sensitive scraper belongs to not other than Facebook.
As discussed here before, OG:image tag can be a very useful tool to promote your site via social networks. I have found that the most sensitive scraper belongs to not other than Facebook.
Even though Base64 encoding is not an encryption, sometimes it can be useful to pass data or parameters in a single string.
Sharing links with WhatsApp has become a great way to drive visitors into your sites. A nice feature when a link is shared is a little preview of the link’s content, with a title, short description and an image of the designated page. This data comes from scraping the link for Open Graph (OG) data. One of the tags allows you to put one or more images to be shown as the link image.
Writing SQL queries can be considered by some as a form of art: everyone has a different style of writing and improving them (I’m talking about complex queries). Queries can achieve the same goal while being written in various and sometimes completely different way. While improving and optimizing a query should first and foremost include making sure that everything is written correctly and there are no logical errors, I wanted to share a tool, that some of you might not know, which can help make queries more efficient in times where you’re just not sure how to improve it further.
If you can find the list of page templates in the page editor on WordPress try this quick fix that will probably help.
A quick and easy way to prevent specific resources to be cached by sending the correct headers in .htaccess file.
Handling resources, redirects and other operations is very easy and useful using the .htaccess file of Apache web server.
Sometimes, we want to block or redirect traffic based on its network IP address.
But what to do when %{REMOTE_ADDR} returns the wrong address? (more…)
If you just can’t find how to remove “Archives” from your pages, this quick tip is for you.
This tip is also useful for the woocommerce plugin which uses archive pages, like Archive: Products
Whoever worked a lot with text files possibly had this problem before, you have text file filled with unwanted characters, some are “hidden” (another way of saying that there are characters that your system can’t represent as symbols on your screen) and some are just redundant and not needed.