Radiation Exposure: WiFi Calling vs. Cellular Calls

In this post I will try to address the issue of radiation exposure in the context of WiFi Calling vs Regular cellular calls.

Understanding SAR and Phone Radiation

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) measures the rate at which the body absorbs radiofrequency (RF) energy from a device. It’s expressed in watts per kilogram (W/kg) and is used to ensure phones stay within safety limits. For example, regulators like the FCC in the U.S. cap head SAR at 1.6 W/kg (averaged over 1g of tissue), while Europe uses 2 W/kg (10g average). Most modern smartphones have peak SAR values near these limits during cellular calls at maximum power output. However, these SAR ratings reflect a worst-case scenario (poor signal, maximum transmit power). In everyday use with a strong signal, the phone transmits at a fraction of that power. A German radiation protection agency notes that phones with SAR below ~0.5 W/kg (at the ear) are considered “low radiation,” and about 40% of current smartphones meet this criterion (BFS.DE). Overall, SAR provides a standardized way to compare devices’ radiation, but actual exposure varies with network conditions and usage.


Should you force user to rotate password?

If you’ve spent any time in a corporate setting, you’re likely familiar with the dreaded
“Your password will expire in 7 days” prompt. For years, forced password rotations
—requiring users to change their passwords on a set schedule—were considered a gold standard for security.
However, modern research and guidelines paint a different picture, suggesting that
frequently forcing password changes can actually do more harm than good.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why the tide has turned on mandatory password rotations, what the
latest recommendations are, and how you can implement best practices to keep accounts and data safe.


Reload Tuya Integration Every One Hour on Home Assistant

Are you having issues with Tuya integration on Home-Assistant? Well, unfortunately, some versions of HA cause it to stop receiving updates to sensors/devices (lights, air condition, etc.).

Most of the time, reloading the integration via the HA interface solves the problem, but what if it’s needed a few times a day?

Until it’s fixed, I recommend to you add a reload automation to this integration (or any other for that matter, that misbehaves as such).

