WordPress changes HTML code of the page

Sometimes, we need to implement an external HTML code or specify HTML by design inside a WordPress page.

When we use the text editor of WordPress we have the option to do just that, but if we look closely on the HTML that is generated after the specific page is rendered, we can see some alteration to the code. Those alterations may cause a lot of problems if you build your design (CSS) by it.  Usually, it comes to Ps that are added,  page breaks or other unnecessary elements. Read more of a function tells WordPress to skip this parsing of the HTML and leave it intact.


Count the 1’s in the binary representation of a decimal number

As I wrote here before, I do a lot of professional interviews, and I discovered that the best questions have more than one solution to them. While having an ideal solution to a problem, you can still ask the interviewees for other ways for the solution and putting extra constraints that can help guide them in either direction (maybe to check their creativity, or if they knew the question beforehand). One of the questions that fit this requirement is the “count the 1’s in the binary representation of an integer”.
